

The Best Things About Cycle Commuting

5) The ability to stay in bed longer, because the journey time cycling to work is shorter than by car, by bus, and by train, in urban environment.

4) Relaxed, steady filtering past long lines of queuing traffic jams, taking just a few minutes on the bike, which  takes 20 or 30 minutes to drive the same road in  car.

3) The feeling of fitness, being able to sustain constant exertion all journey if you choose, and the associated "feel-good" endorphins the body rewards you with.

2) The freedom & pleasant experience of any long stretch of off-road, quiet, high speed, smooth, cycle path (rare!).

1) The optimism to be cycling at a time when:

a) Cycling's mass popularity is growing and more new riders are uncovering the pleasures of two wheels,

b) Government & Local Council policies should be slowly increasing provisions to accommodate the growing population of cyclists, and

c) General public awareness is waking up to the realization that world oil supply is limited, 100 year old internal-combustion engines need to be replaced (e.g. Hybrid Cars / Corn Fuel / Fuel Cell Technology / Hydrogen power / Etc.), and awareness of more environmentally responsible forms of transport is increasing.

How To Clean Your Bike
 (And Keep It Clean Longer)

Before you begin, remove the high-pressure nozzle from your hose. It's best to not use a hose at all. Water under even modest pressure can work its way into places ordinary rain can't get and create rust or damage in places you can't see. Instead, first spray a bike-cleaning solution designed to cut the grime and residue that coats your bike's finish and moving parts. Then, use a bucket of water with a mild detergent or citrus cleaner and an inexpensive nylon kitchen brush (reserved just for your bike). Once you've gone over the bike with the cleaning solution, rinse your brush, change the water, and go over the bike again with the brush and clean water to rinse away the detergent. Let your bike dry completely, then lube its chain, cables and pivot points thoroughly to expel any remaining moisture and protect its moving surfaces. Finally, apply a bike-specific polish to the finish to keep grime and other dirt from building up as quickly. Taking proper care of your bike will ensure you years of reliable service.


Ode to Bicycles

I was walking
a sizzling road:
the sun popped like
a field of blazing maize,
was hot,
an infinite circle
with an empty
blue sky overhead.

A few bicycles
me by,
the only
that dry
moment of summer,
barely stirred
the air.

Workers and girls
were riding to their
their eyes
to summer,
their heads to the sky,
sitting on the
beetle backs
of the whirling
that whirred
as they rode by
bridges, rosebushes, brambles
and midday.

I thought about evening when
the boys
wash up,
sing, eat, raise
a cup
of wine
in honor
of love
and life,
and waiting
at the door,
the bicycle,
only moving
does it have a soul,
and fallen there
it isn't
a translucent insect
through summer
a cold
that will return to
when it's needed,
when it's light,
that is,
of each day.

Pablo Neruda